Monthly Column
This is an archive of the columns that JPSP coordinator Aoki-san contributes to the mailing list along with the monthly roster.
January 2024
January 2024
Thank you all for your hard work. Thank you very much for your support during the past year.
In 2023, JPSP had a total of about 1,300 visitors via salon, telephone, mail, Zoom, and other means.
About 10% of them have told us that they wish they had come to JPSP earlier and that it had helped them to organize their fundamental thinking.
If you have any comments or complaints about JPSP, please let us know in person at the salon, by phone, through the “Contact Us” section of our website, or through anonymous forms ( ( We would be happy to hear from you.
We look forward to working with you this year. 🙇
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December 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
AIRBUS "Safety first" "Training Pilots for Resilience" includes:
(See the figure below: )
Flight crews need to develop competency and confidence to build their resilience.
The development of resilience relies heavily on the principles of strengthening self-confidence. Highlighting positive outcomes in debriefing sessions is essential for this. Instructors should... focus exclusively on errors and shortcomings in the pilot's performance, which may inadvertently reduce the level of resilience.
(Translated by a certain translation app), but the same seems to apply to the mental resilience I mentioned last time.
This is because one study has shown that "maintaining and strengthening psychological foundations such as self-esteem and self-efficacy may be effective in activating resilience."
"Not just competence but also confidence."
It's a busy time of year in December, but why not take a break and relax at a Peer Support Salon?
I would also like to hear your talk on "maintaining and strengthening the psychological foundation."

November 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
"Resilience" in our professional life may require a certain pessimistic attitude, but mental "resilience" refers to the ability to bounce back without being discouraged by difficulties, and for that purpose, it seems that "optimism" is best.
For example, when you are in a difficult situation, rather than thinking "It's my fault," it would be better to think "It's because of this," "If I can overcome that, everything will be fine" rather than "It will always be like this," or "I will definitely succeed next time" rather than "It will always be like this."
According to "positive psychology," this "optimism" can be acquired through learning flexible cognition.
If you are facing difficulties or adversity and tend to become pessimistic by yourself, why not talk to a peer? We also accept consultations regarding flexible cognition learning.
Even if you don't feel the need for the above, why not take a break and relax with some coffee and sweets?
October 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
When we looked at the phrases and words used in the "We Asked" segment of "HANGAR Flight" where new captains asked, "What ability do you think is 'most necessary' to become a captain?" from the January 2017 issue to the latest issue, the overwhelming majority were "heart, feelings" (peace of mind, strong will, etc.) in second place, and "self, self, self" (knowing yourself, self-analysis, etc.) in first place.
So, the way to use JPSP other than chatting and consulting is to "help with self-understanding." This can be done by getting hints from casual conversation with peers, and also by
・We will help you face yourself through multiple conversations, such as once a month.
・Psychological testing and support for awareness through dialogue based on the results
And it can have a clearer, more profound effect in a shorter time than working alone.
We would be happy to talk to you in person, by phone, email or at the salon.
If you are interested in "knowing yourself," you may find the article "Lotte's Nishimura Amahiro: New perspectives revealed by 'knowing yourself' - NHK News" useful.
September 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
In the peer support room, you can not only get advice but also have casual conversations.
One study provides evidence that while "consultation" is effective in reducing severe stress reactions caused by life events, "small talk" is less effective at reducing mild stress reactions caused by minor everyday occurrences.
Even a small amount of stress can build up if not addressed, and its impact cannot be ignored.
Before coming in for advice if you get sick, why not come in and have a chat?
JAL is the only airline in the world that provides peer support with a "place" where you can chat face-to-face. Peers who understand your situation and will listen to you are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 6pm, with snacks and refreshments available.
It's okay if you don't know who's on duty that day🙆♂️. Peers are people who share similar positions, circumstances, and experiences. If you're reluctant to start talking, please start with the recommended tea and snacks. The person on duty will be the one to listen to your story👂.
August 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
May I introduce the term and concept of self-efficacy?
This is the feeling that "I can do it," and the level of this feeling is directly related to the achievement of the task; if this feeling is low, it may be that you or the other person will not be able to demonstrate your true abilities.
There are four ways to increase this:
1) Experience success yourself and feel a sense of accomplishment.
2) Observe the behavior of others and experience success vicariously.
3) Verbal persuasion from oneself or others (e.g., "If you try this, you can definitely do it").
4. Look at your own emotions from a bird's eye view and perceive things such as, "I am calm. I can do this."
So is it better to avoid failure? It seems not to be the case. Failure provides information for new learning and is a part of the process of increasing ability, and does not mean incompetent. Even if you fail, it may be a good idea to interact with yourself or others in a way that increases their self-efficacy so that you can continue to believe "I can do it" (as we all know, the premise for this is psychological safety).
In addition, each of the above four methods seems to have its own tricks (Reference: Clinical Psychology of Self-Efficacy: Sakano & Maeda, 2002). Why not try talking to your peers in person, on Zoom, or over the phone?
July 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
This time, may I introduce some words from Isao Yoneda, a gold medalist at the Athens Olympics and former gymnast who now works as a mental trainer?
"After Athens, I had to endure multiple surgeries. At that time, mental training and counseling helped me.
All I did with the counselor was talk about what was happening in my daily life and let out everything that was bothering me.
The counselor listened carefully to what I had to say.
Getting counselling is not something bad or embarrassing.
I see a counsellor as a partner to those who are trying to move forward.
If the problem is simple, I think just talking about it will help clear your mind and make you feel better.
If you don't have anyone to talk to, I recommend you take this opportunity to find someone to talk to.
(Source: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website "Let's take care of our mental health, learning from cases, interview with Isao Yoneda")
Could you please replace the word "counselor" above with "peer"? Please feel free to contact us by phone, Zoom, email, etc. Someone to talk to is waiting for you at the salon.
June 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
Have you ever had negative feelings during a flight? For example, when someone says something to you, you can't accept their words or actions, or you feel inadequate, you may feel "unpleasant," "irritated," "anger," "sadness" or other negative emotions.
It is known that people are prone to making errors when they experience strong negative emotions. There is a method for the decision-making process that uses dual process theory, which combines System 1, which uses intuitive thinking, and System 2, which uses analytical thinking. However, it is hypothesized that negative emotions shut out analytical thinking and lead to reasoning that relies on intuitive thinking, which then induces errors.
Therefore, it seems necessary to recognize that negative emotions increase the likelihood of error when operating, and to deal with negative emotions appropriately in order to prevent errors.
The main way to deal with this is to accept your emotions as they are and not get caught up in them. In addition, it is important not to let negative emotions build up. In such cases, why not try peer support to let it all out before heading home? (There is also information and books on specific coping skills available.)
May 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
The period from your late 20s to early 30s is known as the "quarter-life crisis."
During this period, people are likely to experience anxiety and conflict as they sense a gap between their ideals and reality after entering society, or become unsure of how they want to live their lives.
If you feel like other people are outshining you or that it's hard to feel happy, it might be time to take a look at yourself.
At JPSP, we have colleagues who respect confidentiality, including private matters.
Please feel free to continue to contact us in the salon, by email, or over the phone for casual conversation, consultations, psychological testing, etc.
April 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
The period between 40 and 50 is known as the "midlife crisis," during which the identity that one has established up to that point is shaken by the changes that occur during this time, and one may need to correct the course of one's life or reconstruct one's identity.
(The English word "crisis" apparently has the meaning of "a crossroads" or "a turning point" in addition to "a crisis.")
Arata Kusunoki, author of the best-selling book "After Retirement," says that people of this generation who feel unsure tend to feel like "I don't feel like I'm growing," "I don't know who I'm helping," and "Is it okay for time to continue passing like this?"
At JPSP, we have colleagues who respect confidentiality, including private matters.
Please feel free to continue to contact us in the salon, by email, or over the phone for casual conversation, consultations, psychological testing, etc.
(We will introduce the 20s and 30s group at a later date.)
March 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
To date, we have held several JPSP information sessions by peers at each model GMT.
Among the comments made there were the following:
・I would like to hear about user experiences (good things that happened, etc.)
I don't know what time I should go.
Since each person has their own personality, there are times when you should go, and if you do this, it will be better.
It is difficult to generalize, but peers,
For example, rather than prescribing medicine to cure illness,
We will listen to your talk with the attitude of respecting the potential inherent within you and thinking together with you.
We have received feedback from users such as, "Talking helped me become more positive," and "I feel relieved."
If you have any requests regarding GMT, various conferences, study sessions, etc., we will come and explain the above points, including concrete examples and hypothetical cases.
Please feel free to continue to chat, consult, or take psychological tests at the salon, by email, or over the phone.
February 2023
Thank you for your hard work, everyone at Next-g.
Suddenly, I looked up the meaning of "guchi" in the Kojien dictionary, and found that
It seems to mean "saying things that there is no point in saying and lamenting."
Even if it's just a complaint, talking about it can help
・You will feel refreshed.
・You can look at yourself objectively and organize your thoughts.
(By the way, this is called the "XXX effect." The answer is at the bottom.)
Please feel free to stop by, email, call, or schedule a psychological evaluation.
We have friends who understand the pilot situation.
The answer is, "Catharsis."
January 2023
Thank you all for your hard work.
This time, we will tell you about the psychological test.
Psychological tests at salons
It's not just about answering the test questions and getting the answer "You are this type!",
The idea is to look at yourself objectively from a little distance and say, "You have a tendency to think and perceive things in this way."
And because such tendencies are important characteristics, we should make use of them.
The way we use psychological tests at our salon is to help you think about how best to adapt to your problems.
Of course, we're happy to help you if you're just curious.
Please feel free to come along even if just for a chat.